
Dust Bowl conditions

During the 1930's, there were several climatic occurrences in the American Great Plains known collectively as the Dust Bowl. During this period of 5 to 7 years, severe dust storms and drought caused agricultural and ecological damage in the Plains.

What would happen if the same weather conditions occurred today, but in a different geographic location?




Geographic characteristics are the main reasons that invited the “dust bowl” When a drought struck the Great Plains in 1934, an increased exposure to erosion was revealed. Intensively increased plowing had made the soil eliminate its moisture holding capacity. Drought caused the topsoil to dry and was carried away by erosion. If it was in another region of the country, the earth would have been wet enough to hold the moisture and been heavy enough to not have been carried away by soil. An unused soil preserves the moisture that natures showers it with and keeps itself heavy enough to not be carried away through erosion.

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