
Displaying ethical integrity and leading social task

Define the displaying ethical integrity and leading social responsibility initiatives.




Displaying ethical integrity and leading social responsibility initiatives:

1. For an organization to avoid the drawbacks of disgrace and scandal and consistently show the target to conduct its business in a socially acceptable way, the CEO and those around the CEO must be unswervingly and openly committed to ethical conduct and socially redeeming standards and core values.

2. Leading the effort to operate the organization’s business in an ethically principled fashion has three parts:

i. The CEO and other higher-ranking executives must set an outstanding example in their decisions and actions.

ii. Top management must announce unequivocal support of the organization’s ethical code and take an uncompromising stand on expecting all organization workers to conduct them in an ethical fashion at all times.

iii. Top management must be ready to act as the last arbiter on solid calls.

3. Lockheed Martin’s Corrective Actions after infringing the U.S. Anti-bribery Laws, discusses the actions the organization took when the organization faced a bribery scandal.

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