Diseconomies of Scale

Diseconomies of Scale:

The diseconomies are the drawbacks occurring to a firm or a group of firms due to big scale production.

Internal Diseconomies of Scale:

When a firm continues to grow and develops beyond the optimum capacity, the economies of scale fade away and diseconomies will begin operating. For illustration, when the size of a firm rises, after a point the difficulty of management occurs to that specific firm that will raise the average cost of production of that firm. This is termed as internal diseconomies of scale.

External Diseconomies of Scale:

Beyond a certain phase, too much localization and concentration of industries will generate diseconomies in production that will be common for all firms in a locality. For illustration, the expansion of an industry in a particular region leads to high rents and costs. These are the external diseconomies as this affects all the firms in the industry situated in that specific area

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