Discount rate-Prime rate and the Subprime rates of interest

What is the difference among the discount rate, prime rate and the subprime rates of interest? Which interest rate in particular build the 2008 recession? Explain how that happened.




Discount rate refers to that interest rate which would be charged by the Federal bank to the depository institutions for borrowing its reserves. Prime rate refers to that which banks charge the creditworthy customers and is just 3 percentage points over fed funds rate. When the creditworthiness lowers, the interest rate increases. Subprime rates refer to those charged on subprime loans offered to the less creditworthy customers. Both prime and subprime rates are charged on all loans offered by banks and differs based on the creditworthiness of the customer.

Subprime interest rates
created the 2008 recession. Sales of single family homes peaked in 2005, with the increase in population as well as the need for home ownership, which resulted in a housing boom leading to rocketing home prices. As the prices surged upwards drastically, homes became more expensive and the subprime interest rates were also high. Subprime loans with adjustable rates, extremely low or no down payments, etc were offered and borrowed with the hope that they can be paid off when the prices escalate more. However, owing to fraudulent transactions, subprime mortgage defaults emerged, which led to the fall in home sales in 2006 which eventually led to the end of price escalation. With the prices much lower than the purchase price, more and more mortgage loans were defaulted, which led to the failure and shutdown of a few well-known banks. Thus this created the 2008 recession

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