Differentiation between smallpox and measles

Write down the differentiation between smallpox (variola) and measles?




Smallpox is a viral infection such as measles. Smallpox is transmitted by the respiratory secretions, saliva and objects in the contact with contaminated patients. The disease is classified by appearance of various vesicles on skin of face, trunk and limbs which can suppurate and form crusts; smallpox complications can lead to the death.

Measles is transmitted by the saliva drops and respiratory secretions too. It is classified by the exanthems (red spots on skin), fever, lymphadenomegaly and malaise (enlarged lymphnodes). If not treated measles complications are able to cause death. Smallpox killed thousands of the people around world in end of the 19th century and the starting of the 20th century but today it is approximately eradicated by the vaccination. At present as a great fear is the possibility of employ of smallpox virus in the biological weapons and by the bioterrorists. Measles is not eradicated and influence millions of people every year. Both diseases can be avoided by the vaccination.

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