Different services provided by DLR to CLR

Give details about the different services that are provided by DLR to CLR?




The different services that are provided by DLR to CLR are as follows:

Dynamic Object Interoperability : It facilitates DLR to give a set of the classes and interfaces which signifies the dynamic objects and the operations. Classes and the interfaces can be used to generate classes for the dynamic libraries that can be utilized in the static and the dynamic type languages.

Expression Trees : It refers to the illustration of the code in the data structure comparable to the tree. Though, expression trees in the DLR are the highly developed version of a expression trees which were introduced with the LINQ in .NET 3.5. So, DLR has extended functionalities of the Language Integrated Query i.e. LINQ expression trees, like control flow, assignment, and the other language-modeling nodes to the dynamic language.

Call Site Caching – It enables a DLR to store information of operations and the characteristics of variables, like their data type. This caching service also facilitates to check whether such operation has been performed earlier to regain all information about variable. Place where DLR stores the values is known as a call site.

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