
Description of anemia

Give a brief description of the term anemia? And also write down four main types of anemia?




Anemia is low concentration of hemoglobin in blood. The four main types of the anemia are nutrient-deficiency anemia, anemia caused by the blood loss, aplastic anemia and hemolytic anemia.

Nutrient-deficiency anemia is caused by the dietary deficiency of the fundamental nutrients for functioning or formation of the red blood cells, such as iron (or iron deficiency anemia), vitamin B12 and folic acid. Anemia caused by the blood loss takes place in hemorrhagic conditions or in diseases such as hookworm disease and peptic ulcerations.

Hemolytic anemia is caused by an excessive destruction of the red blood cells, for instance, in diseases such as malaria or in hypervolemic situations (excessive water in blood which causes lysis of red blood cells).

Aplastic anemia take place from deficiencies of hematopoiesis and it occurs if the bone marrow is injured by the cancers from other tissues (metastasis), by the autoimmune diseases and by the intoxication from drugs (such as anticonvulsants and sulfas) or by chemical substances (such as herbicides, paints , insecticides, benzene and solvents in general). Some genetic diseases also influence the bone marrow causing aplastic anemia.

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