Define Size Anomaly

Size Anomaly: The size effect terms to the negative relation among security returns and the market value of the common equity of a firm. The coefficient on size has extra explanatory power than the coefficient on beta in explaining the cross section of returns. Similar to the value effect, the size effect has been reproduced for many sample periods and for most main securities markets around the world. The separately-identified value and size effects are not independent phenomena since the security characteristics all share a common variable – price per share of the firm's common stock. Certainly, researchers have illustrated a high rank correlation between size & price and between the value ratios & price, and others have documented a significant cross-sectional relation between price per share and average returns. To sort out the relative significance of the different variables, Fama and French (1992) (FF) found that B/P and Size give the greatest explanatory power in explaining the cross section of returns, and recommend that B/P and Size are proxies for the influence of two extra risk factors omitted from the CAPM.

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