Define consumer psychology and pricing and affecting element

Define the consumer psychology and pricing and affecting elements.




When fixing the price of product, the management must provide significance to consumer psychology. In fact demand of the product is based on the behavior of consumers. Several consumers may buy a product of high quality even if the products are highly priced. Consumers think such that highly priced products are of high quality. When the price of product is less, consumer will believe such that such product is of low quality. When the price is higher, the consumer may boycott the product and they will go for substitute product of lower price. When the price is too low the consumers believe that the goods are of inferior quality. Therefore they will not buy this.

The significant elements that influence the consumer psychology are as: price of the product, advertisement, sales promotion and after sales service, personal income as well as fashions. Therefore consumer are many types, they follow various approaches to firms product. Hence, in case of price determination, the consumer psychology should specified due weightage.

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