
Define Biomass

Biomass: Sources of Biomass can take various forms and shapes. It can be solid in form as in agricultural wastes, waste wood  from forestry and industry, wastes from food and paper industries, green municipal solid waste (MSW), dedicated energy crops and reclaimed wood. Biomass can also be  in form of gas which includes as in the form of landfill gas, manure biogas and waste water treatment biogas. Biogas. Can be used directly in feed power generating plants, or it can also be fed indirectly to through gasification of solid forms of biomass or production of liquid biofuel.

Biomass can be used to generate heat in single houses or as a community heating mini-power generator. At the simplest & small level, biomass boiler can be used to provide space heating & cooling for the entire house, & as well as water heating. The main application of Biomass is in rural settlements where  around 10 percent of households employ this means and some suburban areas. The use Biomass in heat generation plants can be more diverse and complex, making it serve both local rural and urban areas. Use of biomass in heat generation may include tree wastes, energy from waste, anaerobic digestion of food wastes or animal wastes from farms to produce gases for combustion, or methane from pyrolysis.

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