
Consolidated balance sheets for the chartered banking syste

In the below table you will determine consolidated balance sheets for the chartered banking system & the Bank of Canada. Employ columns 1 through 3 to show how the balance sheets would read after each of transactions a to c is finished. Analyze separately each transaction, beginning in each of case from the figures provided. All of the accounts are in billions of dollars.

828_consolidate balance sheet.png

a. A decline into the discount rate prompts chartered banks to borrow an added $1 billion from the Bank of Canada. Illustrate the new balance-sheet figures in column 1 of each table.
b. Bank of Canada sells $3 billion into the securities to members of the public, who pay for the bonds with cheques. Illustrates the new balance-sheet figures in column 2 of each table.
c. The Bank of Canada purchase $2 billion of securities through chartered banks. Illustrated the new balance sheet figures in column 3 of each of the table.
d. Now review each of the above three transactions, asking yourself these three questions: (1) What modification, if any, took place in the money supply as a direct and instant result of each transaction? (2) What increase or decrease in chartered banks' reserves occurs in each of transaction? (3) Supposing a desired reserve ratio of 20 percent, what change in the money making potential of the commercial banking system occurred consequently of each transaction?





(a) Column (1) data, top to bottom: Bank Assets will be $34, 60, 60; Liabilities will be $150, 4; Bank of Canada Assets will be $60, 4; Liabilities will be$34, 3, 27.

(b) Column (2) data: Bank Assets =$30, 60, 60;  Liabilities= $147, 3; Bank of Canada Assets= $57, 3, 30, 3, 27.

(c) Column (3) data (top to bottom)=  $35; $58; $60; $150; $3; (Bank of Canada) $62; $3; $35; $3; $27.

(d) (d1) Money supply (demand deposits) directly changes simply in (b), where it reduce by $3 billion; (d2) See balance sheets; (d3) Money-creating potential of the banking system enhanced through $5 billion in (a); decreases through $12 billion in (b) (not by $15 billion—the writing of $3 billion of cheques through the public to purchase bonds drop demand deposits by $3 billion, therefore freeing $0.6 billion of reserves.  Three billion dollars minus $0.6 billion equal $2.4 billion of decreased reserves, and this multiplied through the monetary multiplier of 5 equals $12 billion); and enhanced by $10 billion in (c).

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