Conservation laws and illustrations of conservation laws

Explain Conservation laws and illustrations of conservation laws (Conservation of mass-energy, electric charge, linear momentum and angular momentum) ?

Conservation laws: The law which states that, in a closed system, the net quantity of something will not raise or reduce however remains exactly similar; that is, its rate of change is 0. For physical quantities, it defines that something can neither be formed nor destroyed. Mathematically, when a scalar X is the quantity considered, then

dX/dt = 0,
Or, consistently,
X = constant.

For a vector field F, the conservation law can be written as:
div F = 0;

i.e., the vector field F is divergence-free everywhere (that is, has no sources or sinks).

Some of the specific illustrations of conservation laws are:

Conservation of mass-energy: The net mass-energy of a closed system stays constant.

Conservation of electric charge: The net electric charge of a closed system stays constant.

Conservation of linear momentum: The net linear momentum of a closed system stays constant.

Conservation of angular momentum: The net angular momentum of a closed system stays constant.

There are numerous other laws which deal with particle physics, such as conservation of baryon number, of strangeness, and so forth, that is conserved in some basic interactions (like the electromagnetic interaction) however not others (like the weak interaction).

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