Compute the Total Shopper Spending in SQL

Most of the reports produced from the system compute the total dollars in purchases for a shopper. Process the following steps to build a function named TOT_PURCH_SF which accepts a shopper id as input and returns the total dollars which the shopper has spent with company. Utilize the function in a SELECT statement which shows the shopper id and total purchases for each and every shopper in a database.
1. Make and run a CREATE FUNCTION statement to build the TOT_PURCH_SF function. The function code requires a formal parameter for the shopper id and to sum the total column from the BB_BASKET table.

2. Form a SELECT statement employing the BB_SHOPPER table to generate a list of each shopper in the database and his/her respective totals.




create or replace function "TOT_PURCH_SF" (shopper_id in NUMBER)



dbms_output.put_line (totamt);



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