
Classification of mammals

Characterize the mammals in accordance with the examples of representing beings, skin, basic morphology, respiration, circulation, nitrogen waste, thermal control and types of reproduction?




a) Examples of representing beings: dogs, cats, horses, giraffes, elephants, apes, humans, bats, whales, dolphins, opossums, kangaroos, platypus.

b) Basic morphology: hair, diaphragm muscle, mammary glands, enucleated red blood cells.

c) Skin: impermeable, hairy.

d) Respiration: pulmonary.

e) Circulation: closed and complete, heart with four chambers.

f) Nitrogen waste: urea.

g) Thermal control: homeothermic.

h) Types of reproduction: sexual, internal fecundation, oviparous monotremes (prototherians), marsupials (metatherians), placental (eutherians).

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