
Chordate characterization

According to examples of representing beings, how are Chordate characterized fundamental morphology, kind of symmetry, germ layers and coelom, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, circulatory system, nervous system and kinds of reproduction?




Illustrations of representing beings: protochordates (that is, ascidians and amphioxus), vertebrates. Fundamental morphology: branchial clefts, notochord and neural tube. Kind of symmetry: bilateral. Germ layers and coelom: triploblastics and coelomates. Digestive system: complete, deuterostomes. Respiratory system: branchial (in aquatic), cutaneous (in adult amphibians), pulmonary. Circulatory system: open in protochordates, closed in the vertebrates. Excretory system: diffusion and flame cells in the protochordates, kidneys in vertebrates. Nervous system: neural tube in embryos, single ganglion and in cerebral vesicle protochordates, brain in the cranium and spinal cord in the spinal column in vertebrates. Kinds of reproduction: sexual, with or with no larval phase.

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