Choice of technology in coding of game

What are the choice of technologies while coding a game?




Choice of technology (programming language):

Most game code is written in the C++ language, with Web games written in Flash and Java. C++ requires years of programming experience to use effectively and has undesirable workflow properties. In particular, it takes minutes to see the effect of changes, which means that developers are constantly restarting the game and waiting for their compilers to complete.

Scripting languages are more lightweight. They provide features that make them easier to learn and often allow changes to code while the game is running. Certain kinds of programmer errors are hidden, which makes the languages seem more friendly, and the tools are generally easier to use. They mange some of the more complicate aspects of programming, such as memory management, for the programmer and often ensure that even when a bug is present, the game won't crash.

These properties makes scripting languages great for prototyping. A lot of game logic and AI is programmed in scripting languages, which means that most designers today have at least some familiarity with them.

Although empowering to the design and apparently easy and friendly, scripting languages have few long-term downsides compared to some fully featured languages like C++. The code executes slower. This problem is not always experienced at first, and its often months to about a year or even a bit more into a project when the coder/designer see progress slow down due to the nature of scripting languages. So, we conclude that using scripting languages is generally a good idea, but it is important to plan their use carefully.

These are the key features to look for when selecting a scripting language (roughly in order of importance)

1. Learning curve and syntax.
2. Available tools, such as debuggers and editors.
3. Thread management (Can scripts be interrupted? What happens when they crash?).
4. Built-in features, such as string processing and search algorithms.
5. Ease of integration with the host languages.
6. Memory usage and execution speed.

After some research found that JavaScript covers the most of those features which makes it the right choice and best option for our game project. JavaScript is a very popular web-development scripting language that makes the development experience comparable to that of a major language.

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