
Chemists have not created a periodic table of compounds

Explain the reason behind that the chemists have not created a periodic table of compounds?




One main reason I can think of, that they haven’t been addressed yet, is a periodicity of elements. We can line elements up into neat functional groups--, transition elements, alkali metals, halogens etc. This we cannot do with the compounds, even if we had an isolated table for hydrocarbons, one for dyestuffs, and one for elastomers... Compounds also find extensive use as smaller blocks of larger compounds. We call these as precursors. Toluene is a very toxic compound, but if we compound it into the toluene diisocyanate, then compound that into polyurethane, becomes safe enough that we can build it into replacement hip joints. Chemists keep books of compounds, but the table on a big sheet of paper size of...ohh, entire side of a Wal-Mart store could be big enough? It could not ever happen.

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