
Characterized Reptiles according basic morphology

Characterized Reptiles according to the basic morphology, examples of representing beings, circulation, skin, respiration, nitrogen waste, thermal control and types of reproduction?




a) Examples of representing beings: snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, dinosaurs (extinct).

b) Basic morphology: tetrapods, some with carapaces (like turtles).

c) Skin: corneous plates (known as scales), impermeable keratinized.

d) Respiration: pulmonary.

e) Circulation: closed, heart with three chambers and partial interventricular septation, incomplete.

f) Nitrogen waste: uric acid.

g) Thermal control: heterothermic.

h) Types of reproduction: sexual, internal fecundation, shelled eggs with extraembryonic membranes.

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