
Characterization of Chordate

How are Chordate characterized in accordance to the examples of representing beings, type of symmetry, basic morphology, germ layers, digestive system, and coelom, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system and types of reproduction?




a) Examples of representing beings: vertebrates, protochordates (ascidians, amphioxus).

b) Basic morphology: notochord, branchial clefts, neural tube.

d) Type of symmetry: bilateral.

e) Germ layers and coelom: coelomates, triploblastics.

f) Digestive system: complete, deuterostomes.

g) Respiratory system: cutaneous (in adult amphibians), branchial (in aquatic), pulmonary (others).

h) Circulatory system: closed in vertebrates, open in protochordates.

i) Excretory system: kidneys in vertebrates, diffusion and flame cells in protochordates.

h) Nervous system: cerebral vesicle and single ganglion in protochordates, neural tube in embryos, brain within the cranium and spinal cord within the spinal column in vertebrates.

j) Types of reproduction: Is sexual, with or without larval stage.

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