
Characterization of arthropods

Characterize the arthropods giving examples of representing beings, basic morphology, germ layers and coelom, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, excretory system, and types of reproduction?




a) Examples of representing beings : Flies, cockroaches, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, spiders, scorpions, mites. Basic morphology: segmented body, articulated limbs, chitinous periodic ecdysis, exoskeleton.

b)Type of symmetry : bilateral. Germ layers and coelom: coelomates,  triploblastics.

c)Digestive system : complete.

d)Respiratory system : tracheal in insects, branchial in crustaceans, tracheal and book lungs in arachnids.

e) Circulatory system : open, hemocyanin in crustaceans and arachnids.

f) Excretory system : malpighian tubules in insects, malpighian tubules green glands in crustaceans, and coxal glands in arachnids.

g) Nervous system : ganglial.

h) Types of reproduction : sexual, with or without larval stage in insects and crustaceans, metamorphosis in some insects, no larval stage in arachnids.

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