
Cell types forming the osseous tissue

List out the three main cell types which forms the osseous tissue? Explain their functions?




Three main cell types of osseous tissue are:

a) The Osteoclasts

b) The Osteoblasts, and

c) The Osteocytes.

Osteoblasts are also called as bone-forming cells as they are the cells which secrete the proteinaceous part of bone matrix i.e. glycoproteins, collagen, and proteoglycans. Bone matrix refers to the intercellular space in which the mineral substances of bones get deposited. Osteocytes refers to the differentiated mature osteoblasts which is formed after these cells are completely surrounded by the bone matrix. Osteocytes perform the function of supporting the tissue. Osteoclasts refers to the giant multinucleate cells which remodelate the osseous tissue. They are generally originated from the monocytes and they consists of several lisosomes. Osteoblasts release various enzymes which digest the osseous matrix creating the canals throughout the tissue.

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