
Case study of Drug free at Monochem

Read the case study entitled ‘Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free at Monochem, Inc. and answer the following questions.

1) Suppose John has developed the ethical codes for the company with an objective of creating a drug-Free and alcohol-Free workplace, suggest how he should effectively implement the newly developed ethical codes.

2) Discuss the short-run and long-run impacts of the implementation of the ethical codes.

Case study: Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free at Monochem, Inc.

John Kresge, a newly appointed HR manager, was asked by the director to consider a set of new recruit policy regarding the creation of a drugfree and alcohol-free workplace.

The first couple of questions come to his mind are:

1 ‘What limits should be placed on the grounds on which employment can be denied to a job applicant?’

2 ‘Would a business have the ethical right to deny a job, or dismiss an employee, for drinking alcohol?’

John knows that the law prohibits denying someone a job on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or disability. However, the law generally allows denial of a job on the basis of drug use. Nevertheless, the Court has been asked to decide the legitimacy of dismissals for cigarette smoking, for political beliefs, and for having an abortion.

John’s previous workplace used personality tests and psychological profiling to evaluate potential misbehaved employees. Such tests ask many personal questions, including some that concern a person’s sexual life.

Like employment at will, the burden of proof lies with the job applicant to demonstrate that the denial was based on the prohibited categories; otherwise employers need no reason to deny someone a job. John needs to consider which are legitimate grounds for dismissal and denial for job.

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