
Carters efforts at peace making

Describe Carter’s efforts at peace making.




Carter had his success. He defused an explosive situation in Central America where Panamanians were protesting Mexican sovereignty in the Panama Canal Zone. The narrow strip of US territory bisected the small republic and seemed to be an insult in an age when nationalist in small countries were as touchy as boils.

Most of the policy makers saw no need to hold on Canal Zone. The US would be able to seize control of the canal within hours of an international crisis. In the year 1978 the Senate narrowly ratified an agreement with the Panama to guarantee the permanent neutrality of canal itself while gradually transferring sovereignty and operation of the canal to Panama. Ronald Reagan, who start to campaign for the presidency as soon as

Carter was inaugurated, denounced the treaty, however a grass-roots protest never gelled.

Carter’s greatest achievement was his single-handed salvaging of the rapprochement between Israel and Egypt that began to take shape in November 1977 when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat risked the enmity of the Arab world by calling for peace in the Middle East in a speech to the Israeli Prime Minister Begin, a former terrorist, refused to make concessions commensurate with the Egyptian president’s high- stake gamble.

In the year 1978, Carter brought Sadat and Begin to Camp David, the presidential retreat in the Maryland woods outside Washington. Sadat grew so angry with Begin’s hostility that he actually packed his suitcase to depart. Although Carter could not persuade Begin to agree that The West bank of the Jordan River, which Isreal had occupied in 1967, must eventually be returned to Arab rule, he did bring the two men together. In March 1979, Isreal and Egypt signed a treaty.

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