Calculating economic profit for first year

Assume that the banker is employed at an annual salary of $60,000. She as well has financial assets worth of $40,000 which earns $1,500 per year in interest. She too owns a commercial building that she rents out for $20,000 per year. Now assume that she quits this job to open her own business, invests all her financial assets in latest business and employs her commercial building for her business rather than renting it out. In first year of business, she takes in revenues of $140,000 and makes the payments of $70,000 to cover her explicit costs. Her economic profit, the first year will be: (1) -$30,000. (2) $10,000. (3) -$51,500. (4) -$11,500. (5) $30,000.

Find out the right answer from the above options.

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