
Branches of AI

Write down the branches of AI.




Automatic Programming - The undertaking of describing what the program must do and comprising the AI system 'writes' the program.

Bayesian Networks - A method of structuring and inference with probabilistic detailed information.

Constraint Satisfaction - Resolving NP-complete problems, by using a variety of methods.

Machine Learning - Programs which is learn from the experience or data.

Natural Language Processing (or NLP) - Processing and (perchance) understanding human (‘natural’) language as well recognized as computational linguistics.

Neural Networks (NN) - The study of programs which function in a way which is similar to how animal brains do.

Planning - given a set and collection of actions, a goal state, as well as a present state, decide which actions should be taken so that the present state is turned in goal state

Robotics - The intersection of the robotics and AI, this field tries to acquire (usually mobile) robots to act shrewdly.

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