
Bluetooth security

State the kind of encryption which will be used for the Bluetooth security?




Bluetooth specification 1.0 explains the link encryption algorithm as the stream cipher using the 4 LFSR or linear feedback shift registers. Sum of width of LFSRs is 128, and spec says ‘effective key length is selectable between the 8 and 128 bits’. This arrangement permits it to be used within the countries along with the regulations restricting the encryption strength, and facilitating the future upgrade path for security without having the need for a costly redesign of the algorithms and encryption hardware as per the Bluetooth specification. Key generation and the authentication seem to be utilizing the 8-round SAFER+ encryption algorithm. Information available proposes that the Bluetooth security will be satisfactory for most of the purposes; however the users having the higher security requirements will need to employ the stronger algorithms in order to make sure the security of their data.

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