
Birth Control

Explain in detail the birth control methods with the help of diagram?




Birth Control:
There are several methods of birth control for women – some involve surgery, some involve the disruption of the hormone cycle and others are natural.  For example fertilization of the egg can only occur when the egg is in the fallopian tube – if a woman can monitor when ovulation occurs then they can control when and how to encourage or discourage pregnancy.

Chemical birth control is often chosen by young, married couples since they want to ensure a stable financial, home and job front before they build their family. In this case the woman may decide to take birth control pills.  Some birth control pills contain only progesterone and the excess hormones in the woman’s body works by thickening the mucous around the cervix preventing the sperm from entering the uterus and it also affects the endometrium causing it to thicken so as to prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg. Combination pills contain both estrogen and progesterone – the added estrogen actually prevents ovulation from taking place so no egg is released.  There has been a lot of controversy surrounding how the pharmaceutical companies manufacture birth control pills such as Premarin.  This drug is made from the urine of pregnant mares whichhave to be “stall ridden” during a portion of their pregnancy in order to collect the urine.  Estrogen is extracted from the urine and used to manufacture Premarin.  Due to increased pressure from the public other means of manufacturing birth control bills has been adopted. 
Other birth control methods include the IUD – the INTRAURINE DEVICE – which is inserted by a doctor into the uterus.  It interferes with the movement of the egg and sperm preventing fertilization by altering the lining of the fallopian tubes and the uterus.  Other devices include a cervical cap which must be placed over the cervix essentially “capping” it to prevent the sperm from entering.  
The more permanent method of birth control involves surgery and most women who are planning their last child opt for this method.  It is called TUBAL LIGATION and essentially involves cutting the fallopian tube to prevent the egg and sperm from ever meeting.  This method can be reversed if the woman changes her mind – and it can also be reversed naturally if the ends of the tubes heal together!  


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