Basic features of OOPs

Illustrate the basic features of OOPs?




There are four basic features of OOPs which are as follows:

  • Abstraction – This feature refers to the method of expopsing simply the appropriate and necessary data to the users not including unnecessary information.
  • Polymorphism – This feature allows us to use an entity in numerous forms.
  • Encapsulation - This feature prevents a data from unnecessary access through binding of code and data in a particular unit called object.
  • Inheritance – It encourages the reusability of code and eradicates the use of unnecessary code. It is a property by which a child class gets all the features described in its parent class. When class inherits the general properties of other class, the class which is inheriting the properties is known as a derived class and the class which permits inheritance of its general properties is known as a base class.

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