
Average incubation period of Chagas disease

Write down the average incubation period of the Chagas’ disease? And also write down some signs and symptoms of acute phase of the Chagas’ disease?




Chagas’ disease might or might not present acute phase. When it is present, the incubation period is regarding 5 to 14 days. The chronic phase, however, can manifest in more than 10 years after infection.

At the site where trypanosoma has penetrated the skin or mucosa becomes swelled: This sign is named as chagoma. Another sign which might appear in up to 20% of cases after the infection is Romana’s sign, a swelling of one of eyelids when infection took place throughout the ocular route. In the acute Chagas’ disease fever, malaise, enlargement and inflammation of lymph nodes might occur. In more severe cases fatal inflammation of cardiac muscle or of the meninges might happen.

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