
assignment paper on women and genders studies

Please i would need help in the writing of my assignment paper on women and genders studies.

The essay is supposed to be an argument note which should be presented in this order:

1) introduction

2) summary

 identify and summarize the key arguments or main points of each readings.


Explain to the reader how the two readings advanced understanding of at least one of the following:gender, feminism ,a feminism theory oppression or patriarchy 

4) Question /reaction 

summarize your reaction to the reading.you can identify questions the readings rise for you.For example pointing out that a reading on women in china did not discuss the situation for women in India is not a valid point.

You are to chose any two readings for the AN paper

1) McIntosh, Peggy (1988) white privilege:Unpacking the invisible knapsack

2) Nancy Mandell (editor) exacting beauty:exploring Womens body projects and problems in the 21st century (chapter 6 written by Carla Rice)

3) Nancy Mandell (editor) Feminist theorizing on race and racism (chapter 4 written by Raimunda Reece)

4)CAEF /NWAC (2008). women and the Canadian legal system: examining situations of hyper-responsibility. Canadian Women Studies 26 (3/4) 94-104.

    please in APA format and in text citation.a minimum length of 3 pages. Maximum of 

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