
Architecture of AMQP 0.5

Describe the architecture of AMQP 0.5?




AMQP 0.5 defines a number of entities. From a connection perspective the relevant ones are:

Message broker: a server to which AMQ clients connect using the AMQ protocol. Message brokers can run in the cluster however such details are implementation specific and are not covered by the specification.

User: a user is an entity that, by providing credentials in form of a password, may or might not be authorized to connect to the broker.

Connection: a physical connection example, employing TCP/IP or SCTP. A connection is bound to a user.

Channel: a logical connection that is tied to a connection. Hence communication over a channel is stateful. Clients that perform concurrent operations on a connection should maintain a distinct channel for each of those. Clients that use a threaded model of concurrency can for example encapsulate the channel declaration in a thread-local variable.

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