
Architectural Symbolism-house-style

Wriet a report on the term Architectural Symbolism:a study of house-style meanings ?




To start with, for Post-Modern architects as well as others having a high interest in architecture which communicates desired connotations to the community, practical analysis of the sense conjectured from styles could prove to be highly useful. The research carried out in the paper assessed the connotative sense laypersons gathers from several distinct home-styles, the inconsistency of those meanings along with socio-demographic features and area and if architects are familiar with or share peoples’ connotations. A varied sample of 102 adults in Los Angeles as well as 118 adults in Columbus, Ohio presented their views and rated six types of homes on the basis of attractiveness and the affability and standing of presumed inhabitants. The six styles of homes included farm, contemporary, colonial, Spanish, tudor and lastly, salt box. Moreover, 65 architects located in Columbus provided their views for the same set of questions and attempted to estimate the way in which the people of Columbus reacted. Laypersons located in Columbus and Los Angeles exhibited outstandingly alike patterns of reaction. However, the noteworthy upshots of style brought to light the fact that both sets regarded Farm and Tudor as highly wanted one, Mediterranean and Saltbox and slightest wanted, Farm as exceedingly sociable, Colonial as unsociable, Colonial and Tudor as uppermost in terms of position and lastly, Saltbox and Mediterranean as least in terms of standing. Further, variations in connotation came into view with regard to socio-demographic features and the architects reacted in different way from and misestimated the people responses.

This particular research contends that properly comprehending the visual knowledge of architects, engineers as well as the common users of structures is quite indispensable. Firstly, it aids the designers to set up the ground for choosing suitable structural techniques along with resources with respect to formulating design. Secondly, it would also aid the designers to become aware of the association among the structure and architecture with respect to trade-off among the technological and aesthetic concerns in a better way. Thirdly, it aids the engineers to better recognize how their formulated structures are observed by the people.

Aim of the Study

The study scrutinizes meanings ascribed to distinct family home styles by three distinct sets i.e. residents of Columbus, Ohio, architects in Columbus , Ohio and lastly residents in Los Angeles. The study took into consideration five questions which are mentioned below:

• Firstly, do varied local inhabitants share familiar meanings with respect to housing styles?
• Secondly, would likings for Tudor as well as Farm styles illustrate steadiness in other cities?
• Thirdly, what particular socio-demographic distinctions are present with regard to meanings accredited to styles?
• Fourthly, are there provincial disparities within stylistic meanings?
• Lastly, do architects precisely measure public meanings?


The continuing sections bring to light the methods that were employed in order to carry out the research and obtain answers to the above mentioned questions.


Three groups took part in this research namely; 118 adults in Columbus (Ohio), 65 architects in Columbus (Ohio) and lastly, 102 adults in Los Angeles. Firstly, the sample of architects at 12 distinct architecture organizations was contacted, which were chosen haphazardly in Columbus (Ohio). For rest of the samples in LA and Columbus, a number of census regions having diverse socio-demographic features were chosen. After that, within every census area, one superstore was selected as an interview site. At every site, interviewers made contact with every other bystander of the opposite sex of the preceding interview. Interviews were carried out by males along with females and they were conducted in the morning, afternoon as well as night of several days of the week.


Firstly, six types of homes were chosen from artists’ representations for a plan service (House Planners, Inc., 1986) in order to symbolize Farm, Saltbox, Tudor, Mediterranean, Contemporary and Colonial styles. Moreover, the houses were chosen in a manner that they were alike in standpoint, dimension, altitude and amount of windows.  Rest of the traits like shading of the picture etc. was restricted in order to make sure that the houses were fundamentally identical apart from the stylistic disparity. The black images were prepared unlabeled on 4 * 6 cards.

Moving ahead, the eventual candidates were informed that this was a research of housing assessment. As soon as their support assured was secured, they were requested to answer few questions related with their socio- demographic settings. Subsequently, they were provided with six cards each including one among six house types unlabelled. They were informed there was no right or wrong responses, and their truthful viewpoints were needed.  Then the candidates were expected to answer three questions, formulated to hit three facets of home style meaning i.e. evaluation, friendliness of projected occupant and status of projected occupant. Prior to every question, applicants were again told that the dimension, cost, design and the locality of the houses were the same. In order to tone down rejoinder unfairness and order outcomes, the cards were jumbled up previous to each question and the sequence of the questions was different for every applicant. Further, the architects were also asked to answer the similar questions. Along with the questions the architects were also asked to estimate how the people replied to the questions.


Initially, it was predominantly remarkable that public gave instantaneous responses to the meaning questions. Moreover, such speedy judgements related to the appropriateness of a style as well as regarding the traits of the individuals who might dwell in them put forward the potential influence of stylistic meaning. However, latest explorations by Sadalla, Vershure and Burrough (1987) bring to light the fact that such conclusions from building exteriors might be correct. Whether they are correct or not, they certainly have an effect on behavior.

The upshots point towards the types of connotations inhabitants might attribute to a variety of styles of homes. Venturi and Rauch’s (1977) assumption regarding the aptness of colonial was partially backed by the data. On one hand, Colonial ( in LA and Colubus) was considered as unbiased in desirability as well as low with reference to the friendliness of inhabitants. However, on the other hand it was considered to be uppermost in the supposed status of the inhabitants and it attained more constructive scores from less knowledgeable and lower accupational group people.

Moving ahead, the outcomes support the constancy of people liking for Tudor and Farm types (Langdon, 1982 and Tuttle, 1983). In both the cities, Tudor attained the maximum positive rejoinders, whereas, Mediterranean attained the most unconstructive reactions. Moreover, Farm was estimated as desirable and its inhabitants were considered to be highly friendly and unbiased in leadership. All these examinations taken into consieration in light of Purcell’s (1986) inconsistency approach propose that minor disparities in the Tudor or farm style may result in high constructive connotations to the people.

The rating of Contemporary was superior and the positioning of Mediterranean was poorer as compared to those discovered by Kinzy (Langdon, 1982). Such inconsistencies might occur from distictions among the samples,  distinctions in the questions or distinctions in the model type. However, further analysis is required in order to make out the most illustrative plan for every style and to assess reactions to those schema as well as to analyze the overview of these outcomes to other exemplars of every style. In addition to this, as predicted the outcomes also point towards disparities in reaction among distinct socio-demographic groups. The contemporary style which is considered to be the architect’s favourite, was appreciated more by highly-educated, greater occupation, younger as well as suburban inhabitants. Whereas, Colonial was appreciated by the less learned, lower occupation, adult as well as urban or rural inhabitants. Practically, the socio-demographic disparities undoubtedly specify the setbacks of constant dependence on students respondents.

Apart from all this, with reference to future study the outcomes advocate that examinations in aesthetics of prescribed features like intricacy or rationality are not adequate. Style has powerful impact on evaluative procedures. However, by neglecting style, examiners are neglecting a chief factor in architectural conception, assessment and meaning. Moving ahead, the people perhaps create stylistic suppositions for building kinds except single family houses. Provided the possible disparities among architect as well as public connotations, further study is required on the stylistic meanings observed in several prominent building kinds. Moreover, lacking such study, peoples’ participation should be attained with reference to style in such buildings, predominantly in case if they are public structures or are well-known public occurrences. At the least, design panels should take in delegates from the lay public. Furthermore, inhabitants standpoint data, like the results provided here, can also be brought into play in the deleberations. The importance of additional investigation into architectural representation is apparent. By means of analysis of other building kinds and rationale,one could easily demarcate the means wherein architectural form could be utilized in particular contexts so as to generate important and desirable environment for the people.

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