
Analysis On Financial Indices

On a weekly basis, starting from week ending on 18/1, you need to produce a weekly performance report of the major indices around the world following this structure: 

a. USD vs Yen, vs GBP(GBP/USD), vs. Swiss Franc (USD/CHF)
b. Euro vs USD, Yen, GBP, Swiss Franc
c. US Dollar Index


Analyze US Dollar Index, the concept of cost of carry, future contract specifications for WTI, Gold via CME Group site.

1. For each index, calculate weekly, Year-to-Date, 12-month(rolling) returns, 3Y CAGR & 5Y CAGR (in case you cannot find the data from the web or Datastream just skip the respective index)

2. Calculate the average annual returns, standard deviation and the cross-correlations for as much from the above indices/asset classes for the following periods:
a. JAN 2007- DEC 2009
b. JAN 2010- DEC 2012
c. JAN 2002- DEC 2012
using i) daily or weekly and ii)monthly data

3. Plot the average returns (y-axis) and standard deviations (x-axis) for the period JAN 2002 - DEC 2012

4. Given the above results, which of these indices/asset classes would you be most / least interested investing in?

5. How do you explain the differences in the correlation figures?

6. Describe briefly each index / asset class from the ones in the list above.

  • Add the definitions of all indices, # of companies/countries included 
  • Weighting method: price weighted, value-weighted, equal-weighted 
  • top 5 of companies/countries in the basket/index - whenever you have access to constituents/members. 
  • Briefly analyze the structure and potential advantages for each index/asset class 
  • List at least one (1) Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that you could invest in so that to track each one of these indices. 

7. Monitor major headlines and be ready to discuss the direction of the markets from week to week. The 2013 Outlook reports provided you with the key factors / themes that will be influencing the markets this year.





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