Aggregate Expenditure model

Describe Aggregate Expenditure model and also state AD/AS model?




Aggregate Expenditure(AE) is a a way to measure the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, or National Income (NI).It is a measure of the level of economic activity.

GDP = C + I + G + Xn, where

I = Ip + Iu.

AE = C + Ip + G + Xn, where

C = Consumption Expenditure (CE)
Ip = Planned Investment
Iu = Unplanned Investment
G = Government expenditure
Xn = Net Exports (Exports-Imports)

AE is also used in the Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model (AD/AS) and includes Price changes.

In the model, Aggregate Expenditure (AE) is defined as the amount that firms and households plan to spend on goods and services at each level of income, which is nothing but the total of expenditures on consumption, investment, government expenses and net exports.

AD=C+I+G+X-M (function of price)
AE=C+I+G+X-M (function of income) (DR Kevin LTL)
AD increase with National Output, and rising Disposable Income (DI). If the present output exceeds the equilibrium, then the inventories will accumulate; encouraging businesses to slow down or stop production. This will move the economy towards equilibrium. Again, if the level of production is below the equilibrium, inventories will decrease, causing an increase in production and hence, moving toward equilibrium. This equilibration process continues to occur when the equilibrium is stable.

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