
3-phase procedure of developing and strengthening capability

Explain about the three-phase procedure of developing and strengthening capabilities and competences.




The three-phase procedure of developing and strengthening capabilities and competences illustrates as follows:

1. Building competitive capabilities and core competences is a time consuming, managerially challenging work out.

2. One organization-making query is whether to develop the desired capabilities and competences internally or to outsource them by collaborating with main suppliers or forming strategic alliances. The answer depends on what can be securely delegated to outsides suppliers or allies versus what internal capabilities are most to the organization long-term success.

3. Sometimes the tediousness of internal organization making can be shortcut by buying a company that has the fundamentals capability and integrating its competences into the firm’s value chain. Capabilities-motivated acquisitions are necessary when a market opportunity can slip by faster than a required capability can be generated internally and when industry circumstances, technology, or competitors are moving at such a quick clip that time is of the essence.

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