
hospitality, tourism and leisure businesses or organization

The essay assessment's primary aim is to provide BSc (Hons) students with a vehicle to review and discuss research and associated textual evidence drawn from a range of hospitality, tourism and leisure businesses and organizations

  1. Topic-Developing countries must balance the benefits of tourism with problem it creates. Discuss how successful they have been in achieving this balance, engaging with a range of academic material OR

2."[As tourists] we look into a mirror instead of out a window and we see only ourselves" Boorstin (1961, p.117). Critically analyse the role of tourists and guidebooks as an effective means of cross-cultural understanding. Engage with a range of academic material.


The students should:

- Review, compare, evaluate current researches/techniques/approaches, using examples and cases

(national, international)

-Note that the written assignment is an unsupervised piece of work -you must undertake the research



Word processed academic essay, with Title page, clear introduction/objectives, main body and conclusion, plus Harvard/Ulster System of citation and referencing.



- Students review generic materials relating to the Hospitality   industry

- Students can be selective when noting the emergence of key issues

- Answer need to show ability to match this generic framework with reading.

- The expectation is of a high evaluative content to this academic essay

- Scope for interpretation and creativity is expected and varied solutions are acceptable within the

assessment pattern


  • This is a 2600-word essay, excluding appendices, tolerance of 10%.
  • Font size 12
  • Space between lines 1,5
  • A signed declaration that the work is your own (apart from otherwise referenced acknowledgements) must be included after the title page of your assignment
  • Each page must be numbered and page numbers start where the actual text starts
  • Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should precede your work.
  • All referencing must adhere to School/Institutional requirements. (Harvard system). The end of your work should include a reference list of all books, journals, websites that you have used, this should be in alphabetical order according to the authors family name.
  • A word count must be stated at the end of your work.
  • All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled.

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