Four-Tranche Sequential-Pay Structure

1. How would you fund the tranche Z of the example in the securitization manual?

2. What reinvestment rate from the excess spread will guarantee that there will be sufficient money to pay0ff creditors of tranche Z?

3. When tranche Z creditors will get their final check?

Four-tranche pass-through created from the underlying collateral with WAC of .2052, WAM of 102 months, and weighted average pass-through rate of 19 percent Assuming 3 percent prepayment after 18 months for 10-year residential mortgages in Iran


Par Amount

Coupon Rate

Maturity in Months

Principal Pay-down Window In Months*

Average Life**

In year

Tranche A






Tranche B






Tranche C






Z Bonds






Total collateral

IR850 billion





Pass-through Rate





4.96    years

WAC of Collateral






WAM of Collateral


102 Months




1.This is the time period between the beginning and the end of total principal payments to a tranche.

2.This is the average time to receipt of principal amounts (scheduled principal payment and projected prepayments), weighted by the amount of expected principal.

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