Explanation of Gantt chart In Operations Management

Question One

Refer back to your answers in Assignment #3 and Assignment #6. Select four of the challenges listed in the assignment instructions.  For each of the challenges selected identify specific and detailed recommendations related to each challenge to assist and improve Albatross Anchor.

Question Two

As the consultant for KU Consulting, you have been authorized to change the existing facility (limited construction budget) and/or refine the process flow of the manufacturing area.  Operational limitations:  All changes must be completed within a 60 day window with the majority of the changes happening at night whilethe plant is idle or on the weekend when the plant is idle. 

 (a) List and detail a minimum of five proposed changes and/or alterations. For each proposed change provide rationale to fully and thoroughly substantiate why you chose whichparticular change, how the change will take place, and be accomplished inside the operational limitations.

 (b) List and detail three implications and three complications that may occur as a result of the changes recommended in (a) above. Noticed activities in one area of the facility may have an impact on other areas of the facility.

 (c) Create a Gantt chart showing a timeline for when the different changes proposed should be made, detailing which changes may overlap and showing how long each change will take to institute.  Give information to support your decisions and to explain your choices as shown in the Gantt chart.

(1) Gantt Chart

(2) Explanation of the Gantt chart.




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