This is one of the best and easiest jobs to perform. Firstly, you have to be good in social life and academic as well. Like either career counseling to students, relationship counseling, counseling on academics and many more. Once you are in strengths then its best time to speak with the management and start counseling for students. Generally, part time job as a counselor pays you $15- $30 per hour (depending on the area of counseling and the linked institute or company) which requires working either in the evening or weekends according to the comfort level.
Set up a tuition class in which field you are expert and can ready to share good knowledge, like physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics, assignment help etc. you can talk with the school or college authority to set up a tuition class with in the boundary of the organization if you haven't been permitted then you can also start your tuitions at your home it just need few promotion and few much advertisements. This will serve you with two benefits, one you can brush up your knowledge secondly you can take the classes as per your timing. Timing of the tuitions classes depends up on your comfort level it's up to you that how many classes you can take in one day and at what timing so its decision of yours to prepare schedule for the tuitions.
If you have good knowledge of diets and exercises, you can start up a gym firm or a yoga firm it depends on you in which field you are having good skills. First thing is you need a place in a area where you have to set up the class, if it suits your timing and pay, call them up and start working (a trial session might be required). Generally a yoga or gym instructor either needs to work 2-3 hours in morning or at the evening
Tour guide
If you have good knowledge about different places; this can be the right choice for your job. You can enroll as a tour guide in companies or institute that is involved in this business. If your job is within the country, you can articulate them about your timings but if it's set outside the country; it would be better if you choose to do it in weekends. You can earn average of $16 per hour for a tour.
Library management
If you are quite busy in your academics and you are not sure about the timings of your classes, the simplest and easiest place for your job is your college library. You can help librarians to manage books, book shelf, and their proper arrangement whenever you get free time. The pay scale differs from college to college; some colleges pay for hours, some pay for a day, week or month. So, you can talk to senior librarian or College Board for this job obtaining all the necessary details. This part- time job helps you earn between $13- $15.
This is the highest earning part time job in present day to day life, all you need is a registration on a trustworthy online site and start working from the home itself, this job consists of writing articles, blogs, assignments, reports etc. so if you are fond of writing and earning good income you just need to contact the online site developers and get registered and start working and earning. There are number of advantage to work as freelancer. You can write from anywhere, like home, college, library etc. wherever you find the atmosphere suitable.
If you like kids and enjoy having fun with them, babysitter can be right job for you. You can look after the kids when their parents are out. This will help you earn between $17- $25 depending on your work.