The digestive system is the largest and highly complex system in our body. Is responsible for several biological processes, such as detoxification and the absorption of nutrients, and it's a important part of the immune system .The absorption of nutrients from the diet depends on the efficient digestion. Our body produces enzymes, for the digestion of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and milk products. When something goes wrong and some enzymes are not produced, the digestion is compromised, leading to side effects related from mild discomfort to allergies, chronic conditions and pain of inflammation.
Friendly bacteria in our intestines are largely responsible for a healthy immune system, the lack of inflammation, good absorption of nutrients will protect the bowel movement. It is therefore vital for absorption of food. In the small intestine juices of other organs mix together. then the liver produces bile that is stored in gallbladder and emulsified fats to help absorption , through intestinal bile duct. Various enzymes secreted the pancreas to break down further dietary carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These are amylase, lipase and protease. nutrients are absorbed from the intestine villi and circulated in whole body by circulatory system . Small intestine is about 6 meters in length consists of three parts: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum .Then waste material is entered in large intestine and it settle down in a form of solid product feces which is eliminated from the body .
- Ingestion -the process in which food is entered in digestive track
- Mechanical digestion - the process of chewing of food
- Propulsion - the food is been swallowed
- Chemical digestion - it related to break down of food
- Absorption - nutrients are moved from GI track to different part of body
- Elimination-the waste food product will solidify and released from body
mouth: The food receives by a mouth will be ready to break down mechanically solid particle size ,and mixed with saliva. The cheeks of outer layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat pads, and the muscles associated with chewing. Lips are mobile structures that contain skeletal muscles and sensory receptors which surround the mouth. It is used to distinguish between temperature and texture of foods. Skeletal muscle receptor organ tongue and taste. Function of the tongue is a mix of food particles with saliva while chewing and moving food .
pharynx: It is funnel shaped tube which will allow food to pass through mouth to esophagus it acts as a inter connected tube.
esophagus :It is a connecting link of stomach it will allow all chewed food pass through the long tube and enter into stomach.
stomach: It is sac like structure located at the abdominal region of body ,stomach contains bile juices and enzymes along with H CL which will help in digestion of food.
small intestine: It is long tube which is located inferior to stomach it is folded tubes which will extract almost nutrients from the food ,the folds in intestine will maximize digestion .
large intestine: It is long thick tube related for elimination of waste material in body the fits function relates to absorb water and good bacteria and solidify the waste high fiber material and eliminate feces .
digestion Works :
when the food is moving through the digestive system. Digestion begins in the mouth with Mastication and ends in the small intestine, food passes through the digestive system, mixed with digestive juices, causing the large particles of food to break. Into smaller molecules. Then the body absorbs these small molecules through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream, providing them for the rest of the body. Waste products of digestion passes through the intestine and out the body as solid matter is called a stool. control the process of digestion
Regulators and neural hormone controls the digestive process. Regulators hormone production cells in the lining of the stomach and the small intestine and release hormones that control the functions of the digestive system. The production of hormones to release digestive juices and regulate appetite. Nerve regulators two types of nerves help control gastrointestinal action: external and nerves. Connect external nerves, or overseas digestive tract to the brain and spinal cord. These nerves release chemicals that cause muscle layer in the digestive system either contract or relax, depending on whether the food Digest. Endogenous nerve runs, inside, inside the digestive tract when food runs on the walls of organs .it produces different nerves through which the movement of food depends either increases or decrease.
As we can notice at the start of the meal, the production of saliva automatically increases as the brain will send the signal that food is on its way. the signal is send to stomach for releasing HCI and digestive enzymes. many people may be habitat of eating quickly without chewing the food that may be dangerous to the health, as food enter in stomach before HCI and digestive enzymes ,this will be difficult for food to break down and it related to many stomach problems such as; heavy feeling ,bloating, inflammation ,pain in abdomen and many more. as the d some digestions get slow it may end up by constipation ,food poisoning .the bad bacteria in stomach such as pylori relates to dangerous hazards ,it may cause abdominal pain ,nausea ,vomiting ulcers and ,burning sensation in stomach which may result in. Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease ,in which the valve between the esophagus and stomach will be weak ,jaundice ,cirrhosis etc.
The digestive system begins working as soon as the food touches the lips. food ingested by, different devices that work together to run the mechanism. The nerves and hormones control the work of the internal organs. There are mechanical and chemical processes that are running at the same time to digest food and provide energy to the body. All steps in this process is necessary and important for this device to operate in a healthy way as it is been proven an healthy gut will be always ready to fight with all diseases .To maintain healthy digestive system free from all uncomfortable scenario always live a healthy life style that includes daily exercise and nutritional food and lots of water to remove toxins from body by detoxification process