Explanation Of What Korean Age Is & How It Differs From The International Age

Korean age is the way of age determination that is considered important generally in South Korea. For instance, a baby born is automatically considered one year in Korean age while according to the international age system, the baby is considered one year old after one year of survival.

So the difference between the Korean age and the international age leads to confusion. To avoid this misconception, especially in cross-cultural interaction, let us move a little bit in-depth to find out how Korean age contrasts with the international age. 

What Is The Korean Age?

The method by which South Koreans determine their age and always considered one or two years extra age in comparison to international age. In counting someone's age in Korea, the people of South Korea acknowledge one year in the womb that individuals are considered to be one year old. There is a different method to determine the Korean age in the context of the international age system.

To avoid the manual struggle you can also the Korean age calculator. Furthermore, regardless of their birthdays, January 1st marks the day when everyone's age increases by one year. 

How To Calculate The Korean Age?

In the context of the international age, the calculation of the Korean age is complex because it leads to the misunderstanding of ages. So to change the Korean age you can simply add one year to the date of birthday, depending on the time of year. There are further formulas that are used manually for calculating the age in the South Korean age system. So take a deep look at these:

  • Korean Age Based On The Current DOB:

Korean Age = ( Current Birthdate - Year of birth ) + 1

Find your current date of birth also put the exact year when you were born and subtract these values. After this determination add one to the concluded answer. 

  • Korean Age If Your Birthday Has Passed:

Korean age = your age + 1

The further formula to determine the Korean age is if your birthday has passed. In this case, find your exact age by using the Korean age calculator and add one to the value. 

  • Korean Age If Your Birthday Has Not Passed:

Korean age = your age + 2

The last method to determine the age according to the South Korean age system, is if your birthday is coming soon. In this case, find your exact date of birth and add two. 

Korean Age vs. International Age - How You Differ

In South Korea, traditionally individuals use various systems to estimate age as compared to the international system. This system is called the "Korean age" or "East Asian age." The primary and core difference between both ages lies in how the age is determined. For this purpose, you can take into account the Korean age calculator. 

  1. International Age: 

In most countries, the system of age determination refers to a person's DOB (date of birth), starting at zero when born. With each passing birthday, you add another single digit to your age. 

  1. Korean Age: 

According to this system, there is an addition of one if an individual is born on the 1st of January, and if an individual is born in December then add two in their date of birth. This means that when a baby is born in South Korea, automatically they consider it one year old because they believe that he serves about one year in the mother's womb.

For the explanation of the above formulas look at the example below that helps to illustrate how to calculate the age of any individual according to the South Korean system. Suppose, you were born in December 2000, internationally you are 24 years old while according to the Korean age, you are 27 years old. And if born in the month of January then you need to add one in your international date means that you are 26 years old.

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