Do You Know Why your Child Struggles in Writing Essays
Writing is a daunting task. It is not everyone's cup of tea. Apart from language skills, writing is about playing with ideas and points. It is where many people get stuck because they have run out of words. Everyone finds writing to be hectic. It's a difficult challenge. Writing is a form of expression which has been used by humans since the early times. They used to sketch and scribble on the walls of caves. Then they wrote on leaves and then paper. Now, it's a form of learning in schools. Teachers ask children to pen down what they did during the holidays. They assign children to make diary entries and so on. As children go into higher classes, the style of writing changes. Teachers ask them to write essays on specific topics and themes.
While some children are good at this, some are not. They find it tough to put their thoughts and ideas to paper. These children are not able to think the way they want to. They are not able to channelize or plan it out. They face many hurdles. Teachers and parents should pay attention to these children and help them out.
Writing Essays are Fun
Writers will agree with this statement. Essay writing is indeed fun. The writer gets to express their opinion in the specified word limit. They get to play around with synonyms and antonyms. Writers put themselves in someone else's shoes and get to work their mind. Psychologists agree with this. They have also stated the fact that writing helps in emotional development. If a child or adult has difficulty in expressing themselves through spoken words, they can do the same via penning it down. It relieves stress and tension.
Overcoming the Struggle
Writing is not as tedious as it seems. Once, you get the flow; it becomes quite fun and engaging. Here are a few pointers for children:
- Art: writing is an art. It never gets old.
- Basics: the foundation should be good. And the footings of every piece of writing are spellings and grammar. Teachers and parents can help children improve their spellings and grammar.
- Practice: keep on trying till you get it right. Practice makes a person perfect. The same is for essay writing. Teachers should try out simple topics or themes. Let the children discuss their ideas out loud then have them write it down.
- Concentrate: this is the difficult part. Children have a concentration span of only a few minutes. They become distracted easily. Keep it interesting by asking a lot of questions. It brings about an exchange and a flow of ideas.
- Draft: make an outline of the essay. Initially, the children should keep it simple through this format - introduction, body and conclusion. Then as they get the hang of writing, the children can write lay out the essays in more paragraphs.
- Good: every piece of writing is good. It's only the opinions which differ.
- Relate: the ideas or points in the essay should be connected to each other. It about flows in the writing style, and the reader will find it interesting to continue reading.
- No Pressure: don't burden and stress the child with expectations. Let them grasp the skill of writing first.
- Vocabulary: children should be advised to use a dictionary to build their vocabulary. They will also understand the definitions and learn how the word should be used.
- Proof Reading: children should make it a point to go over what they have written. They should see whether or not it makes sense and look out for spelling and grammatical errors. They can correct these.
- Feedbacks: teachers should always give positive feedbacks to the children. This is a way of encouraging them to write more.
Before writing, it's best to plan and organise thoughts. Discuss the topic or question. A list of points should be made. Parents can help their children by writing with them. They can use coloured pens and papers to make it fun and creative. Teachers and parents should praise the children. It gives them motivation. Schools can encourage writing through clubs and extra activities. To improve their writing, children can be told to write letters to their cousins and friends. There should also be an atmosphere of reading because it gives a fair idea of what writing is all about. Good writers are avid readers and vice versa.
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