Which of the following statements regarding the firing of

Part - 1

Under the current standard, the Supreme Court insists that obscenity convictions be based on contemporary __________ standards.

Question 2
In general, you may make false and defamatory statements about public officials so long as you lack

Question 3
The text suggests that "an overwhelming majority" of American support freedom of speech

Question 4

Which of the following statements concerning 1947is incorrect?

Question 5
The historical source for the metaphor of a "wall of separation" between religion and the state is

Question 6
The rights protected by the Constitution cannot be infringed on by

Question 7
In the Mapp v. Ohio decision, the Supreme Court ruled that

Question 8
In a 1947 decision, the Supreme Court allowed a New Jersey town to fund busing to a parochial school because

Question 9
Miranda has been extended to mean that one has a right to a lawyer

Question 10
which One reason the Nazi Party was allowed to parade through Skokie, Illinois, is that

Question 11
For a law to violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, it must

Question 12
In general, the Supreme Court has allowed race to be taken into account in the area of jobs if

Question 13
If there has been a history of discrimination, the Court has allowed requirements that contractors set aside _____ percent of their contract funds to purchase services from minority-owned businesses.

Question 14
In the Virginia Military Institute case, the Court concluded that gender discriminations must be supported by

Question 15
The quid pro quo rule for sexual harassment holds an employer strictly liable if

Question 16
The Hyde Amendment prohibits

Question 17
Which of the following statements is false?

Question 18
Some argue that "zones of privacy" can be inferred from "penumbras" in the

Question 19
The Court's landmark decision in Rostker v. Goldberg focused on gender discrimination and

Question 20
The Court has held that an "undue burden" is not placed on a woman seeking an abortion when a state requires

Part- 2

Question 1
In a presidential system, the bureaucracy reports to

Question 2
In a parliamentary system, all power is invested in the national

Question 3
The prime minister can rule as long as he or she

Question 4
It is important to remember that the business of lobbyists is protected by the _____ Amendment.

Question 5
The term that the Framers of the Constitution used to describe our form of democracy was

Question 6
For most Americans, the Revolution was about

Question 7
The Great Compromise allocated representation on the basis of

Question 8
The power of popular majorities is limited by

Question 9
Under the U.S. constitutional system, generally the only time when the government can take bold, decisive action is when

Question 10
James Madison argued that

Question 11
The doctrine of incorporation means that

Question 12
The amendment that is probably the most important in terms of having the Bill of Rights apply to the states is the

Question 13
Opponents of excluding illegally obtained evidence from trial argue that

Question 14
Since the First Congress in 1789, the House and the Senate have opened each session with

Question 15
The Supreme Court has ruled that enemies who appear on our shores without military uniforms for the purpose of committing hostile acts are

Question 16
The Virginia Military Institute case was notable, in part, because it

Question 17
The Court's rulings regarding sexual harassment draw largely from

Question 18
Under the influence of justices appointed by President __________, the Court began to uphold some state restrictions on abortion.

Question 19
The Supreme Court's strongest statement regarding affirmative action came in a case involving

Question 20
In the 1992 Casey decision the Court discarded the first-, second-, and third-trimester framework of Roe because

Question 21
In the 1960s and 1970s federal grants to states were increasingly based on

Question 22
The decision in McCulloch rested largely on the premise that the government

Question 23
If you were a governor or mayor, you most likely would favor

Question 24
The Civil War settled the issue that

Question 25
In 1995 the Court appeared to reverse field, limiting the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in a case involving a ban on

Part- 3

Question 1
In a parliamentary system, all power is invested in the national

Question 2
The prime minister can rule as long as he or she

Question 3
Pluralism asserts that political resources are

Question 4
Winston Churchill observed that democracy is

Question 5
It is important to remember that the business of lobbyists is protected by the _____ Amendment.

Question 6
The nature of the amendment process probably has kept the amendments added to the Constitution

Question 7
The Framers of the Constitution intended to create a

Question 8
The Virginia Plan was authored by

Question 9
The Constitution is based on the philosophical belief that

Question 10
The Constitutional Convention can be described as

Question 11
The Supreme Court has ruled that enemies who appear on our shores without military uniforms for the purpose of committing hostile acts are

Question 12
In the Des Moines "student-black-armband" case, the Supreme Court ruled that the wearing of the armbands was

Question 13
The fact that Americans go to court to sue one another indicates that

Question 14
Which of the following statements concerning the Miranda case is incorrect?

Question 15
The amendment that is probably the most important in terms of having the Bill of Rights apply to the states is the

Question 16
In the 1992 Casey decision the Court discarded the first-, second-, and third-trimester framework of Roe because

Question 17
The right to privacy suffered a setback in 1983 when the Court ruled that the right of privacy did not include

Question 18
In Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court

Question 19
The Supreme Court's strongest statement regarding affirmative action came in a case involving

Question 20
One of the major issues in the debate over the Equal Rights Amendment concerned the treatment of men and women in

Question 21
The text suggests that the relationship between federal funds and the growth rate of regions is

Question 22
The difference between a mandate and a condition of aid is that

Question 23
The Civil War settled the issue that

Question 24
The decision in McCulloch rested largely on the premise that the government

Question 25
The doctrine of nullification refers to the

Part-  4

Question 1
In a parliamentary system, all power is invested in the national

Question 2
The term that the Framers of the Constitution used to describe our form of democracy was

Question 3
It is important to remember that the business of lobbyists is protected by the _____ Amendment.

Question 4
Pluralism asserts that political resources are

Question 5
In a presidential system, the bureaucracy reports to

Question 6
The power of popular majorities is limited by

Question 7
The problem with the government created under the Articles of Confederation was that

Question 8
The Federalists believed that the primary function of the Constitution was to guard against __________ inequality.

Question 9
The political theory of the Declaration of Independence was influenced greatly by the writings of

Question 10
If one were to argue that the Constitution included women, they might focus on the

Question 11
In free expression, neutrality refers to which of the following?

Question 12
Since the First Congress in 1789, the House and the Senate have opened each session with
Question 13
The doctrine of incorporation means that

Question 14
The fact that Americans go to court to sue one another indicates that

Question 15
Which one of the following sorts of speech is protected by the Constitution?

Question 16
One of the major issues in the debate over the Equal Rights Amendment concerned the treatment of men and women in

Question 17
The Court's rulings regarding sexual harassment draw largely from

Question 18
Under the influence of justices appointed by President __________, the Court began to uphold some state restrictions on abortion.

Question 19
Race has become a suspect classification. This means that

Question 20
The right to privacy suffered a setback in 1983 when the Court ruled that the right of privacy did not include

Question 21
The Civil War settled the issue that

Question 22
The text suggests that the relationship between federal funds and the growth rate of regions is
Question 23
Members of Congress can raise a procedural point of order if an unfunded mandate

Question 24
The alliance among the states that existed from 1776 to 1787 was a

Question 25
The decision in McCulloch rested largely on the premise that the government

Part- 5

• Question 1
The type of interest group whose numbers increased most rapidly in the early 1980s was the

• Question 2
A novelty of the Jacksonian era was that the party system was built

• Question 3
Which of the following is true of interest-group activity?

• Question 4
Which of the following is an example of an economic protest party?

• Question 5
According to the text, Democratic machines were crucial in electing

• Question 6
Roughly _____ percent of all the interest groups in Washington located there since 1960.

• Question 7
The Progressive movement reduced the level of political corruption but ultimately failed to

• Question 8
The Americans who are most likely to join interest organizations are

Part -6

• Question 1
The Progressive movement reduced the level of political corruption but ultimately failed to

• Question 2
Usually, if a candidate for president wins the most votes in a state, how many electoral votes does he or she get for that state?

• Question 3
One explanation of the differences between political parties in Europe and the United States is that

• Question 4
The role of the Democratic national convention has been transformed into a

• Question 5
Americans are more likely to join __________ than are citizens of other countries.

• Question 6
In recent years interest groups have been more frequently using which of the following strategies, which is also known as grassroots lobbying.

• Question 7
By law, PACs can give no more than __________ to any candidate.

• Question 8
Which of the following is true of interest-group activity?

• Question 9
To say that "the pressure system has an upper-class bias" is to

• Question 10
The Americans who are most likely to join interest organizations are

Part- 7

• Question 1
Usually, if a candidate for president wins the most votes in a state, how many electoral votes does he or she get for that state?

• Question 2
To say that "the pressure system has an upper-class bias" is to

• Question 3
The text argues that the central problem of political parties today is

• Question 4
Compared with the role European political parties play in the lives of their citizens, parties in the

• Question 5
Information is an important resource available to interest groups because

• Question 6
Roughly _____ percent of all the interest groups in Washington located there since 1960.

• Question 7
Today, a person wanting to win an election most often will seek the support of

• Question 8
The organization and structure of the two major parties generally were the same until the late

• Question 9
Sometimes campaign donations affect legislative behavior not so much by buying votes as by ensuring

• Question 10
The main factor that weakened the political machines was

Part - 8

• Question 1
In a __________ primary, voters decide which party's primary they would like to participate in when they step into the voting booth.

• Question 2
The text suggests that the divisions in red state/blue state analysis are better understood

• Question 3
President __________ ordered endless polls, sometimes weekly, to help him decide what positions to adopt.

• Question 4
People are less likely to take their cues from the media on

• Question 5
In general elections, visuals

• Question 6
If the United States is compared with other nations in the turnout percentage for registered voters, its ranking

• Question 7
Poor voters, contrary to popular belief, more often support Republican candidates because

• Question 8
In most presidential elections, a majority of the voters decides whom they will vote for

• Question 9
Evidence of decay in political parties is exhibited by the declining proportion of people identifying with either party and by the

• Question 10
For a presidential candidate to be eligible for federal matching funds, he or she must first

Part -9

• Question 1
Republican victories in the presidential elections from 1980 through 1996 indicate that a party realignment has

• Question 2

If the United States is compared with other nations in the turnout percentage for registered voters, its ranking

• Question 3
Evidence of decay in political parties is exhibited by the declining proportion of people identifying with either party and by the

• Question 4
In a __________ primary, voters decide which party's primary they would like to participate in when they step into the voting booth.

• Question 5
The legal limit on what a congressional candidate may spend is

• Question 6
Realignment generally has been related to

• Question 7
In general elections, visuals

• Question 8
In recent years states have tried to increase the importance of their primaries and caucuses by

• Question 9
Poor voters, contrary to popular belief, more often support Republican candidates because

• Question 10
President __________ ordered endless polls, sometimes weekly, to help him decide what positions to adopt.

Part -10

Question 1
In terms of live television coverage, which of the following is true?

Question 2
If a remark can be printed but cannot be attributed, except on the authority of the reporter, it is said to be

Question 3
The culture war can very well dominate political campaigns when

Question 4
The Constitution created a representative form of government. According to the intentions of the Framers, the government should follow public opinion

Question 5
One important aspect of the debate over ideological consistency in the American public is that consistency is

Question 6
To say that "the pressure system has an upper-class bias" is to

Question 7
The reason for greater participation by Americans in civic associations is

Question 12
Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Question 13
If the United States is compared with other nations in the turnout percentage for the voting-age population, its ranking

Question 14
There is evidence to suggest that Eisenhower's decision to "go to Korea" was influence by

Question 15
The biggest factor affecting the votes of non-Democrats and non-Republicans is

Question 16
Significant congressional power is found in

Question 17
In the Senate, a filibuster can be ended by invoking

Question 18
Which vote requires members to place signed ballots in a box?

Question 19
The focus of debate over filibusters in 2005 was

Question 20
When a bill is assigned to a committee, it usually

Part 11

Question 1
The level of trust in government rose briefly during the administration of

Question 2
To renew its license, a radio or television station must

Question 3
The Constitution created a representative form of government. According to the intentions of the Framers, the government should follow public opinion
Question 4

The media made no mention of the extramarital affairs of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy but relentlessly pursued the sexual history of Bill Clinton. This was so because

Question 5
The broadcast industry in the United States can be described as

Question 6
Between the two major parties in the United States there are

Question 7
To win in a plurality system, a candidate must have

Question 8
The 1946 Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act has had __________ effect on the registration and control of lobbyists.

Question 9
The single most important tactic of the typical lobbyist is

Question 10
Direct mail has which one of the following primary disadvantages as a fund-raising mechanism?

Question 11
Compared with white participation in the democratic process, African Americans participate

Question 12
If the United States is compared with other nations in the turnout percentage for the voting-age population, its ranking

Question 13
Some scholars argue that the decline in voter turnout in the twentieth century is more apparent than real because in earlier elections

Question 14
The most loyal supporters of the Democrats have been

Question 15
Republican victories in the presidential elections from 1980 through 1996 indicate that a party realignment has

Question 16
Conference reports on __________ bills usually split the differences between the House and Senate versions.

Question 17
The most important reason Congress follows the lead of the president is

Question 18
The purpose of the Committee of the Whole is to

Question 19
If you wanted to know what a member of Congress really thinks about a bill, you would be best advised to look at how he or she voted

Question 20
To obtain a party's nomination for a seat in Congress, a candidate typically must

Part -12

Question 1
In terms of live television coverage, which of the following is true?

Question 2
The Constitution created a representative form of government. According to the intentions of the Framers, the government should follow public opinion

Question 3
News coverage of the war in Iraq probably influenced public opinion because

Question 4
Elites tend to be more strongly ideological than average citizens because

Question 5
The culture war can very well dominate political campaigns when

Question 6
Compared with their respective party members, national convention delegates tend to be

Question 7
The Democratic Party in and around Detroit is a classic example of a(n) __________ party organization.

Question 8
Unlike those in the United States, interest groups have remained weak in Europe because

Question 9
The Founders saw political parties as

Question 10
The majority of interest groups in the United States are

Question 11
The tendency of states, in recent years, is to __________ primaries and caucuses.

Question 12
One of the oddities of the 2008 election was that it featured

Question 13
Compared with white participation in the democratic process, African Americans participate

Question 14
Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Question 15
Evidence suggests that government officials tend to be better informed about and more in agreement with the opinions of

Question 16
Until 1995, Congress passed many laws that

Question 17
Incumbents are likely to win reelection because

Question 18
To obtain a party's nomination for a seat in Congress, a candidate typically must

Question 19
In the organizational explanation of congressional voting behavior, the principal voting cue is probably

Question 20
Which of the following requires the signature of the president?

Part -13

• Question 1
Usually, if a candidate for president wins the most votes in a state, how many electoral votes does he or she get for that state?

• Question 2
The organization and structure of the two major parties generally were the same until the late

• Question 3
Today, a person wanting to win an election most often will seek the support of

• Question 4
Which of the following statements is correct?

• Question 5
A novelty of the Jacksonian era was that the party system was built

• Question 6
Party organizations that feature groups of people who enjoy the game and/or see politics as a way to meet and be with other people are called "__________ associations."

• Question 7
The role of the Democratic national convention has been transformed into a

• Question 8
Which of the following is true of interest-group activity?

• Question 9
A public-interest organization can be defined as one whose goals, if achieved, would benefit primarily

• Question 10
In recent years interest groups have been more frequently using which of the following strategies, which is also known as grassroots lobbying.

Prt -14

• Question 1
Looking over the span of history, political scientists see _____ realignments to date.

• Question 2
In recent years states have tried to increase the importance of their primaries and caucuses by

• Question 3
The text suggests that the divisions in red state/blue state analysis are better understood

• Question 4
In a __________ primary, voters are choosing between two candidates, neither of whom received a majority of votes in a previous election.

• Question 5
The most loyal supporters of the Democrats have been

• Question 6
The legal limit on what a congressional candidate may spend is

• Question 7
Which Democratic candidate received 90 percent or more of Democratic votes?

• Question 8
Evidence of decay in political parties is exhibited by the declining proportion of people identifying with either party and by the

• Question 9
In most presidential elections, a majority of the voters decides whom they will vote for

• Question 10
In U.S. House elections, higher campaign spending is especially important for

Part -15

• Question 1
In most presidential elections, a majority of the voters decides whom they will vote for

• Question 2
When eighteen-year-olds got the vote, they

• Question 3
For a presidential candidate to be eligible for federal matching funds, he or she must first

• Question 4
Looking over the span of history, political scientists see _____ realignments to date.

• Question 5
In a __________ primary, voters decide which party's primary they would like to participate in when they step into the voting booth.

• Question 6
The 2002 campaign finance reform law set a limit of __________ on the amount any person can contribute to a single candidate in a single election.

• Question 7
The legal limit on what a congressional candidate may spend is

• Question 8
The increased reliance on the mass media by candidates has resulted in

• Question 9
Republican victories in the presidential elections from 1980 through 1996 indicate that a party realignment has

• Question 10
The most loyal supporters of the Democrats have been

Part -16

• Question 1
Attending college has what effect on political attitudes?

• Question 2
The national press plays the role of "gatekeeper." This means that it can

• Question 3
African Americans are less likely than whites to support

• Question 4
The reason religion has an impact on political attitudes is that

• Question 5
The media made no mention of the extramarital affairs of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy but relentlessly pursued the sexual history of Bill Clinton. This was so because

• Question 6
One problem with the personal-following campaign is that it might

• Question 7
The text asserts that although the civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s have dissipated,

• Question 8
Compared with labor and business PACs, ideological PACs

• Question 9
In most states, candidates for office are chosen by

• Question 10
To win in a plurality system, a candidate must have

• Question 11
The main reason people participate in politics is

• Question 12
In a __________ primary, voters must decide in advance (sometimes weeks) that they are a registered member of the party in whose primary they wish to participate.

• Question 13
In U.S. House elections, higher campaign spending is especially important for

• Question 14
Evidence suggests that government officials tend to be better informed about and more in agreement with the opinions of

• Question 15
Which amendment gave those eighteen years of age and older the right to vote?

• Question 16
Which vote requires members to place signed ballots in a box?

• Question 17
The reason members of Parliament almost always vote with their party leaders is that

Question 18
Incumbents are likely to win reelection because

• Question 19
One effect of the growth in congressional staff is to

• Question 20
The function of the Rules Committee in the House is to

Part- 17

Question 1
One reason for the decline in party identification is

Question 2
If a remark can be printed but cannot be attributed, except on the authority of the reporter, it is said to be

Question 3
Today, there are not great differences between men and women in their attitudes toward

Question 4
Which of the following is true of newspapers and magazines?

Question 5
Many times, the reason the media is unable to tell people what to think about a problem is that

Question 6
In most states, candidates for office are chosen by

Question 7
Compared with labor and business PACs, ideological PACs

Question 8
In recent years presidential nominating conventions have included an increasingly larger proportion of strongly ideological delegates. One explanation for this trend is that

Question 9
Between the two major parties in the United States there are

Question 10
The congressional campaign committees

Question 11
In voting, the average person decides by

Question 12
Some scholars argue that the decline in voter turnout in the twentieth century is more apparent than real because in earlier elections

Question 13
Single-issue interest groups seem to have their greatest electoral impact on
Question 14
In a __________ primary, voters must decide in advance (sometimes weeks) that they are a registered member of the party in whose primary they wish to participate.

Question 15
The main reason people participate in politics is

Question 16
Significant congressional power is found in

Question 17
The focus of debate over filibusters in 2005 was

Question 18
Studies have shown significant correlations between congressional votes and constituency opinion regarding

Question 19
Conference reports on __________ bills usually split the differences between the House and Senate versions.

Question 20
In the organizational explanation of congressional voting behavior, the principal voting cue is probably

Part - 18

Question 1
The media made no mention of the extramarital affairs of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy but relentlessly pursued the sexual history of Bill Clinton. This was so because

Question 2
The broadcast industry in the United States can be described as

Question 3
If a remark can be printed but cannot be attributed, except on the authority of the reporter, it is said to be

Question 4
The Constitution created a representative form of government. According to the intentions of the Framers, the government should follow public opinion

Question 5
The type of story least likely to be influenced by the political attitudes of the journalist reporting it is the

Question 6
Passed by Congress in 1939, the Hatch Act

Question 7
The example of farmers illustrates that interest groups from the same sector are often

Question 8
The Jacksonian party system was the first national system, but it could not withstand the deep split in opinion over

Question 9
The congressional campaign committees

Question 10
In the United States, divisive political issues have caused deep cleavages in society but have not upset the two-party system because

Question 11
In a __________ primary, voters must decide in advance (sometimes weeks) that they are a registered member of the party in whose primary they wish to participate.

Question 12
Which amendment gave those eighteen years of age and older the right to vote?

Question 13
Evidence suggests that government officials tend to be better informed about and more in agreement with the opinions of

Question 14
Looking over the span of history, political scientists see _____ realignments to date.

Question 15
Compared with white participation in the democratic process, African Americans participate

Question 16
Significant congressional power is found in

Question 17
The term of office for a member of the House of Representatives is

Question 18
Incumbents are likely to win reelection because

Question 19
If you were to study the real leadership office in the Senate, you would be focusing on the

Question 20
One effect of the growth in congressional staff is to

Part -18

Question 1
The national press plays the role of "gatekeeper." This means that it can

Question 2
In terms of live television coverage, which of the following is true?

Question 3
Attending college has what effect on political attitudes?

Question 4
To renew its license, a radio or television station must

Question 5
One reason there are so many news leaks is that

Question 6
The single most important tactic of the typical lobbyist is

Question 7
The congressional campaign committees

Question 8
Compared with their respective party members, national convention delegates tend to be

Question 9
Between the two major parties in the United States there are

Question 10
To say that "the pressure system has an upper-class bias" is to

Question 11
One of the oddities of the 2008 election was that it featured

Question 12
The text concludes that elections

Question 13
The tendency of states, in recent years, is to __________ primaries and caucuses.

Question 14
Which amendment gave those eighteen years of age and older the right to vote?

Question 15
People are less likely to take their cues from the media on

Question 16
In the organizational explanation of congressional voting behavior, the principal voting cue is probably

Question 17
The most important reason Congress follows the lead of the president is

Question 18
The reason members of Parliament almost always vote with their party leaders is that

Question 19
One of the apparent manifestations of congressional weakness during the 1960s and early 1970s was

Question 20
A member of the Senate has just been elected to a position that requires him or her to keep the majority leader informed about the opinions of other party members. This person has been elected

Part -19

•Question 1

To renew its license, a radio or television station must

• Question 2
If a remark can be printed but cannot be attributed, except on the authority of the reporter, it is said to be

• Question 3
The type of story least likely to be influenced by the political attitudes of the journalist reporting it is the

• Question 4
The findings of researchers regarding public opinion and the Monetary Control Act suggest that

• Question 5
According to a careful study of the 1980 presidential campaign, the news media treat opposing candidates

• Question 6
In most states, candidates for office are chosen by

• Question 7
The Jacksonian party system was the first national system, but it could not withstand the deep split in opinion over

• Question 8
Compared with their respective party members, national convention delegates tend to be

• Question 9
To win in a plurality system, a candidate must have

• Question 10
Passed by Congress in 1939, the Hatch Act

• Question 11
Republican victories in the presidential elections from 1980 through 1996 indicate that a party realignment has

• Question 12
If the United States is compared with other nations in the turnout percentage for the voting-age population, its ranking

• Question 13
One of the oddities of the 2008 election was that it featured

• Question 14
The main reason people participate in politics is
• Question 15
Which of the following was a major change in regard to American elections?

• Question 16
A bicameral legislative branch

• Question 17
If you were to study the real leadership office in the Senate, you would be focusing on the

• Question 18
A censured member

• Question 19
Significant congressional power is found in

• Question 20
The function of the Rules Committee in the House is to

Part- 20

• Question 1
President __________ held a deep suspicion of the media and disliked personal confrontation.

• Question 2
The __________ votes to remove the president from office following an impeachment trial.

• Question 3
Which cabinet department is the oldest?

• Question 4
Which of the following have been impeached?

• Question 5
The purpose of a budget resolution is to

• Question 6
President Lincoln justified his unprecedented use of the vague powers granted in Article II by citing the

• Question 7
The president is limited to two terms in office by

• Question 8
A president's success in getting Congress to go along with his or her programs can be measured in two ways-by the proportion of presidential proposals approved by Congress and by the

• Question 9
President __________ gave wide discretion to subordinates and was a superb leader of public opinion.

• Question 10
Presidents who favor order and clear lines of authority favor __________ structures.

Part- 21

• Question 1
Presidents, even those with great majorities of their own party in Congress, experience difficulty in exercising legislative leadership because

• Question 2
An obvious and important difference between a president and a prime minister is that the prime minister always has

• Question 3
The Supreme Court was able to avoid the issue of executive privilege until

• Question 4
The purpose of a budget resolution is to

• Question 5
On the issue of a president's right to impound funds, the Constitution says

• Question 6
Which cabinet department is the oldest?

• Question 7
The president is limited to two terms in office by

• Question 8
President __________ was criticized for appearing to be bumbling and incoherent.

• Question 9
President __________ gave wide discretion to subordinates and was a superb leader of public opinion.

• Question 10
The constraints imposed on the president suggest that the chief executive's best legislative strategy is to

Part- 22

• Question 1
The __________ votes to remove the president from office following an impeachment trial.

• Question 2
The Supreme Court was able to avoid the issue of executive privilege until

• Question 3
Which cabinet department is the oldest?

• Question 4
Which of the following organizations is the smallest but perhaps the most influential?

• Question 5
The purpose of a budget resolution is to

• Question 6
Which of the following presidents enjoyed an unusual level of sustained public support or popularity?

• Question 7
The constraints imposed on the president suggest that the chief executive's best legislative strategy is to

• Question 8
A president's success in getting Congress to go along with his or her programs can be measured in two ways-by the proportion of presidential proposals approved by Congress and by the

• Question 9
An obvious and important difference between a president and a prime minister is that the prime minister always has

• Question 10
President __________ gave wide discretion to subordinates and was a superb leader of public opinion.

Part -23

• Question 1
The personal popularity of the president has its greatest effect on

• Question 2
On the issue of a president's right to impound funds, the Constitution says

• Question 3
The veto message must be sent to Congress within _____ days.

• Question 4
An obvious and important difference between a president and a prime minister is that the prime minister always has

• Question 5
Presidents who favor order and clear lines of authority favor __________ structures.

• Question 6
The purpose of a budget resolution is to

• Question 7
The constraints imposed on the president suggest that the chief executive's best legislative strategy is to

• Question 8
Which of the following presidents enjoyed an unusual level of sustained public support or popularity?

• Question 9
The first presidents established the legitimacy of the office by

• Question 10
The rule of propinquity states that


Question 1
The Administrative Procedure Act emphasizes the need for

Question 2
Which of the following was created in 1978 in an attempt to give the president more flexibility in dealing with high-level bureaucrats?

Question 3
Employees hired outside the competitive service are part of the __________ service.

Question 4
Periodically there have been substantial increases in the size of the bureaucracy. These generally have occurred during

Question 5
To say that the federal bureaucracy has grown "thicker" is to say that it has

Question 6
A bureaucracy is a complex organization in the sense that

Question 7
The attitudes of federal bureaucrats are formed less by their social background than by

Question 8
Parkinson observed which of the following?

Question 9
When the text speaks of the discretionary authority of appointed officials, it means their authority to

Question 10
A personal attribute that has been shown to have a clear effect on bureaucratic behavior is

Question 11
Which of the following presidents appointed the highest percentage of African-Americans judges?

Question 12
A measure of the Court's power is found in the extent to which it addresses

Question 13
The so-called American rule recognizes that

Question 14
An increase in cases is not solely responsible for the sweeping remedies imposed by courts. A second factor contributing to this trend is

Question 15
Historically, the Supreme Court has been especially activist when

Question 16
Interest groups can attempt to influence the Supreme Court by

Question 17
Most of the current justices on the Supreme Court had prior experience as

Question 18
Which of the following is true of a suit against a government?

Question 19
The Court's tremendous workload has led to an increase in the power of

Question 20
Citizen X is suing his neighbor Y for ramming her $9,000 car. This case would be heard in


Question 1
When congressional committees require that agency decisions be submitted to them before the agency implements them, the committees are exercising the power of

Question 2
Parkinson observed which of the following?

Question 3
James Madison argued that the president alone must be able to fire a federal employee because

Question 4
A major reason the federal government began expanding in size and authority after the Civil War is that

Question 5
Some interest groups are important to agencies mainly because the groups

Question 6
Periodically there have been substantial increases in the size of the bureaucracy. These generally have occurred during
Question 7
The Administrative Procedure Act emphasizes the need for

Question 8
Which of the following statements regarding the firing of civil-service employees is correct?

Question 9
Agencies become "captured" by interest groups because

Question 10
Most federal agencies must share their functions with

Question 11
Interest groups can attempt to influence the Supreme Court by

Question 12
Citizen X is suing his neighbor Y for ramming her $9,000 car. This case would be heard in

Question 13
Which secretary of state refused to deliver the commissions left on his desk from the previous administration?

Question 14
The period in Supreme Court history from 1936 to the present has been marked by a concern for

Question 15
A measure of the Court's power is found in the extent to which it addresses

Question 16
Historically, the Supreme Court has been especially activist when

Question 17
Under the power of judicial review, a law of Congress is void if it

Question 18
A diversity case involves

Question 19
One reason federal courts should follow precedent is that

Question 20
The Court's tremendous workload has led to an increase in the power of

Part -26

Question 1
When the text speaks of the discretionary authority of appointed officials, it means their authority to

Question 2
To say that the federal bureaucracy has grown "thicker" is to say that it has

Question 3
The merit system began with the

Question 4
Surveys of 200 top-level, nonpolitical federal bureaucrats found that most

Question 5
A bureaucracy is a complex organization in the sense that

Question 6
The attitudes of federal bureaucrats are formed less by their social background than by

Question 7
Employees hired outside the competitive service are part of the __________ service.

Question 8
Agencies become "captured" by interest groups because

Question 9
The Supreme Court's current position on the regulatory power of federal agencies is that

Question 10
A personal attribute that has been shown to have a clear effect on bureaucratic behavior is

Question 11
When a federal judge orders the reorganization of a state prison system in a case brought by a convict, the judge is issuing

Question 12
In a typical term the Supreme Court's workload will involve as many as _____ cases.

Question 13
One influential view of courts is expressed in Federalist No. 78, written by

Question 14
A diversity case involves

Question 15
Which of the following presidents appointed the highest percentage of African-Americans judges?

Question 16
Interest groups can attempt to influence the Supreme Court by

Question 17
One of the reasons class-action suits became more common is that

Question 18
Which secretary of state refused to deliver the commissions left on his desk from the previous administration?

Question 19
In the 1950s there was a movement in Congress to curtail the Court's jurisdiction in cases involving

Question 20
Most of the current justices on the Supreme Court had prior experience as

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Science: Which of the following statements regarding the firing of
Reference No:- TGS01037628

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